Where does he get those wonderful toys?
Adam: Wade Boggs used to eat whole chickens, man! I swear, they'd show him break the chicken's neck, pluck it, toss it into the pot, and then eat the whole damn thing!
Me: That explains a lot. Maybe he absorbed the chicken's life force.
Marc: Wonder what Pokey Reese eats?
Steve: Unicorns.
Yeah, Unicorns. You heard it. How the hell else can he do what he does?
Longer entry later. I promise.
Me: That explains a lot. Maybe he absorbed the chicken's life force.
Marc: Wonder what Pokey Reese eats?
Steve: Unicorns.
Yeah, Unicorns. You heard it. How the hell else can he do what he does?
Longer entry later. I promise.
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