Sunday, October 17, 2004

Above all... must remember this.

That nothing ever lasts forever.

You must remember this.

Nothing lasts forever.


Not pain, not joy, not sorrow, not pleasure.


You will remember this when things seem their greatest, and the thought will bring you down to reality.


You will remember this when things are at their bleakest, when hope and faith have deserted you and the world seems a cold and gray place.

And this thought will lift you up and bring you solace.

Rome fell. The kings are no more. Even the sun will die someday.

Nothing lasts forever. And if nothing lasts forever, then all things are brief.

So here's to the brief period of time between 1918 and the time the final out is made in the greatest game of our lives. It will happen soon.

Because nothing is forever, and all things are brief.

Don't lose hope yet.